I'm currently studying in UiTM Campus Samarahan. I'm taking Diploma in Information Management. I'm still thriving to be a writer, so wish me luck. For those who had followed me, just leave a link so I can follow you back. Thank you :)

Sunday, January 20, 2013

a busy weekend

19-20 January 2013. Those dates were NOT the day I leisurely woke up late, playing Left4dead, or collecting my dirty clothes to be thrown into the washing machine. Those were the days where it was compulsory for me to attend 3 IM events!

19 January. Teambuilding was in the morning. As early as 7 A.M.! It was organised by Part 5 students. And it was for Part 1 and 2 students in DM1 Gading (the furthest abandoned hall in UiTM). I got there before 7 (I liked to arrive early) with my friends. When the Teambuilding started, we already got divided into groups. Overall, it was fun + awesome + great! It will be something that I'll always remember. Thanks Part 5 students who made this memorable for me! hehe

19 January. Hi-Tea was in the evening. I only went to my room to get showered after sweating a lot. After that, I quickly went back to DM1 Gading (again) as it was held in the same place. As an AJK, I helped the others to prepare for the event as best as I could. At the same time, I was also the elected AJK Persembahan (Performance Committee) whose in charge with the performances. Thank god, the performances went quite okay in my opinion (it could have gone worse, which it didn't). After it ended, I (with the others AJKs) stayed to clean up the mess in DM1 Gading.

20 January. IM Sports Day. I didn't have anything to do; I wasn't left in charge for any of the games. The games played during the Sports Day were Futsal, Volley Ball and the Sukan Rakyat: Hasen, Tengteng and Rondes. I tended to walk around the fields, just in case someone needed anything. I walked to the Futsal matches, Volleyball matches, and Sukan Rakyat matches when my friends were playing. After it ended, I finally went to my room. I fall asleep like a freakin' baby... Zzzzzz~~

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