Charmed is a story of three sisters (Prue, Piper and Phoebe Halliwells) receiving their powers of telekinesis, time freeze and premonition respectively. Ever since they obtained the Power of Three, their destiny as the Charmed Ones begin as various evil beings (warlocks, demons, etc.) tried to kill them every week. With the growing powers of themselves and the Book of Shadows, they vanquished every evils that they fought. However, after the death of one of the sisters, they found out the existence of their fourth sister. The arrival of their half-sister, Paige Matthews, reconstituted the Power of Three.
From left to right: Phoebe, Prue, Piper and Paige |
Why am I posting an entry about the Charmed Ones? Well, my roommate has the entire 8 seasons of it! Watching this is like watching the female version of Supernatural. Just with more siblings and the fact that they are witches. Hehe
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